
In individual therapy I work with adults, adolescents and children.

Working with adults focuses on the challenges a person is currently facing which can sometimes seem overwhelming or insurmountable. 

Individual therapy focuses on 2 primary goals.  The first goal is to help the person achieve greater self knowledge.  This is done by fully understanding the role of past and present events in shaping one’s identity.  Interpersonal relationships in the past and present, memories, behavioral patterns, dream interpretation and the role of responsibility and choices are explored. 

The second goal is to promote healthy long lasting change.  This is done by working through and letting go of negative repetitive patterns that are metaphorical anchors keeping us stuck in one spot.  Promoting healthier choices and behaviors is another agent for effective change. 

Finally, resolving internal conflicts and repetitive negative patterns frees up psychic energy that enables the person to truly be in touch with the full range of their emotional life, the freedom and strength to enhance their identity, and the ability to pursue that which is most satisfying and meaningful to you.

Here are some typical examples of presenting issues in psychotherapy with adults:

  • ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) testing and treatment which involves difficulties with:
    • attention/concentration/memory
    • impulsivity
    • organizational skills
    • time management
    • planning skills
    • frustration tolerance
  • Mood Disorders (including Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Mania)
  • Anxiety/Worry/Fear
  • Repetition of Negative Patterns or Behaviors
  • Men’s Issues
  • Women’s Issues
  • Meaning in Life Issues
  • Marital Issues
  • A more comprehensive list of issues I work with in psychotherapy can be found here.