
Sometimes people are not sure when they should seek professional help.  The rule of thumb is that therapy is helpful when you meet the three following criteria:

  1. Something has been bothering you for a while now.  This “something” can be one or more behaviors, feelings (emotions) and or thoughts.
  2. You have tried, unsuccessfully, to resolve this problem through self-help (by reading books, talking with friends, looking online for a forum or group of people with similar difficulties, etc.)
  3. The difficulties you are facing are negatively impacting you in one or more environments.  A few examples of this are:
  • Frequent sleep difficulties or nightmares
  • Problems at home, with friends, or at your job
  • Having problems thinking clearly and making decisions
  • More difficulty “controlling” your thoughts, feelings and /or behaviors

Two screening tests to help you decide whether therapy or counseling can be helpful to you are found online at and online at Psychology Today.

One thing I have learned in the last 30 years as a Licensed Clinical Psychologist is that everyone’s needs are different and everyone’s difficulties are unique to them.

Since this is true, I am eclectic as a therapist (utilizing many different models and modes of therapy rather than adhering to only one theory or what I call “the one size fits all approach”).   Some people respond better to behavioral interventions, some prefer a logic based cognitive-behavioral approach, some are looking for deeper self-exploration which may or may not include dream interpretation and exploration of the unconscious.

Sometimes, it is not the individual who needs help but the family dynamic is problematic or the marital relationship is deteriorating.

In my academic training and through continuing education over the course of my career I have become proficient in all of the modalities discussed above.